The mission of this Society is to
provide genealogical
knowledge to its membership and promote the study
of ancestral history to the
community at large.
The Grants Pass Genealogical Society is open to anyone who wants to research their family history and eager to learn new methods of research.
We publish nine newsletters per year that are provided via the internet. Meetings are held January thru June and September thru November.
Membership dues are $15.00 per year per person or $20.00 for a family with the same mailing address.
See the membership brochure for an application and mail it to PO Box 214 Grants Pass, OR 97528
2023 Officers &
Board of Directors
President / Vice President
Celeste Guillory
Kim Guthrie
Mary Slater
Mary Ann Blackledge
Facebook Manager
Cindy Suda
Mary Anne Blackledge
& Kim Guthrie
FHC Director
Jan Hansen
Newsletter Editor
Celeste Guillory
Contact Us Here:
(new Contact address)
Notice to the
Genealogy Community
in Grants Pass
After 55 years as a genealogy group, we have decided to close at the end of December 2023.This was not an easy decision but the board of directors could find no one to serve as elected officers for 2024-2026.
This website will continue to remain visible and all archived newsletters will be available in about 2 months. They contain the history of our group since 2000. Please enjoy the photos from past events and some new ones being added soon.
Please visit the facebook site which has been archived and viewable. It has information from newsletters and many posts of interest.
Thank you to the Rogue Valley Genealogical Society board of directors who have offered one-year membership to all our members at no charge. For information call 541.512.2340
The Family Search Center located at 1969 Williams Hwy (on the west side of the building) in Grants Pass is open and volunteers are available to assist with your family history questions. Call 541.476.1926. We thank the LDS Church leadership for providing a room for meetings and workshops.
A 2024 scholarship was funded and a selection committee formed to choose a local senior for the last Grants Pass Genealogical Society scholarship. The winner will be announced in June 2024. Our thanks to the Redwood Education Foundation for assistance with annual scholarship.
To all who are or were members for 55 years in Grants Pass...you have seen many changes in how the "science" of genealogy has progressed in the last few years. It's hoped you are able to find that elusive family member and get over your brick wall. Happy hunting.
Celeste Guillory - President & Editor
Kim Guthrie - Secretary
Mary Slater - Treasurer
Mary Ann Blackledge- Membership
Cindy Suda - Facebook Editor
Jan Hansen - FSC Director
Beverly Wellington - Board of Directors
Elizabeth Holt - Board of Directors
Barbara Ruffner - Board of Directors
"Educating Family History
Researchers for over 55 Years"

Everyone is welcome!
Family History Center Entrance
on Harbeck side of the building -
now open Sunday afternoon 2-4PM
In-Person GPGS meetings
will resume in the near future.
Physical Address for Meetings:
1969 Williams Hwy.
Grants Pass, OR 97527